
Do Not Do The Following 4 Things After Wake up

Many people believe namely breakfast is not important to eat may eat; there are numerous people for manifold reasons (slumber late too late to eat, or the girl to "cut down" diet and do not eat) do not eat breakfast. Because of additional causes to expedite the pace of life, the new prevalence of "occasional breakfast, lunch and improvise, dinner rich" phenomenon, which is inverse to the principles of scientific eating, is the diet of mistakes. Do not eat breakfast or eat well, will directly affect the work of the morning, learning efficiency.

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Morning awake, it may have been filled with urine in the bladder, there is a sense of await to urinate, urinate more pressing,Women Become Stupid While They Get Fatter, the more lenient almost, and not immediately get up to urinate, principally the retired, urinate upright position to avoid . Because bladder emptying easily guide to dizziness, syncope or even urinate.

3, the 3 avoid strenuous exercise immediately after waking

Personal health: after waking up do not do 4 things

4, four-bogey do not eat breakfast

1, a bogey love bed

Love can not afford to wake up after the bed is immediately build up people, especially holidays. Who can not afford to have had adore bed (regardless of the youth and old) people will have such feelings: love mattress, sleep and more time, I feel that thighs were heavy, apathetic, there are "more sleep the more weary" "The more sleep the more uneasy" feeling, the result, not for busy with work or study every day while it was full of energy. Love bed disunited customary patterns of life on weekdays, so that the body timer was bad in many points.
2, two bogey old got up to urinate after waking

Because of the irregular nutrient intake mar the brain, because the brain depends effectively aboard glucose to invest vigor. Just assume, from the starting to the morning and nightfall after supper, has been fasting because 12 hours long, this period the body significantly decreased blood glucose, the brain is an energy emergency, if it were not for promptly added, will be subject to damage. Just in period to eat breakfast, eat breakfast, blood sugar, with one increasing, "emergency" can be lifted; the brain's sensitivity is amended, in work and learn and more efficient.

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Do not Do the Following 4 Things after Wake up

Many folk, after the habit of morning training fitting, by the time care is naturally salutary to health. However, the manoeuvre have to look in the morning after the wreck until the blood only after the fleeing equilibrium of yin and yang. If you wake up, are too not arranged to activities, they will immediately put into motion extra maniacal, prone to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular chance.

Lead: personal health is very essential, especially in the elderly tin melodrama a significant role in health, and some details of inattention can cause needless difficulty, and even cause ailment. After waking up you understand the four things you can not do?

